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Extending Family (House of Garner Book 5) Page 8

  Except things change and people were starting to forget all he had done and were focused on what they didn’t have. People were tired of surviving and wanted to live, and unfortunately, they had too many groups that would pick completely different paths of how.

  “In other words, you’re maybe a few weeks from a coup,” James said bluntly when he was done. “Assuming one isn’t already in the works as people will always think they can do better once they take over without any idea of how to do that. It normally leads to the settlement falling apart.”

  “So we’ve heard,” Chris sighed. “We’re not open like other settlements that have stuff to trade, and that random truck now and again between them is armed to the teeth for driving overnight. It was one thing to have a melting pot when it was surviving and we were doing better than others, but now we’re almost out of food. Honestly, I think it’s not happened because we’re so low on ammo.”

  “Oh great, and we just gave them miniguns,” Tyson worried. “You’re not going back in there, Chris. I lost you once and I won’t—please don’t make me risk you again.”

  “There are a lot of good, innocent people in there, Ty,” he said gently. “I can’t just walk away from them either.”

  “No one’s saying that, but how to handle it isn’t easy,” I interjected.

  “I might have part of the solution, but I would like to speak in private first, please, Princess,” Petre said.

  “Alright,” I agreed after studying his pretty hazel eyes. He was very sure it was something I needed to know and would like.

  And he was worried to tell me.

  We went back to my tower but only the first floor. I realized we weren’t alone as my nobles came with understanding something was going on.

  “I know this is out of line, but I would ask for a kiss before I tell you,” he told me quietly, his eyes full of too much to sort through. “I’ve not hid my interest for you and I need to see if there is any sort of spark. I beg your indulgence on this as it’s hard—”

  “It’s his gift,” Kristof surmised, and I nodded, having picked up on that as well. “You’ve smelled her blood. Did it sing to you?”

  “Yes, and she does, but that could be one sided,” he answered, his eyes never leaving mine. “I know you have been through too much, and I would wait patiently forever for you to look my way if I knew you would want to look my way.”

  I nodded I understood. We’d about locked me away during my last period since there was a whole new coven of too much and even from before them with Tian, Moon, and Sisay. Basically, it seemed the smart play given how crazy strangers could react. That was also why I thought having guests during that time insane, but I understood it was a powerful statement.

  The dangerous ones normally were.

  But he hadn’t been around me then, so it was only what he’d sniffed when others bit me. That wasn’t the same.

  I bit my finger and ran it along his neck. My heart raced as my nipples pebbled and I got wet at his reaction. It was intense, the gentle and kind Petre giving me a look that was anything but and definitely included gobbling me up.

  I took his hand and brought it to my mouth. I shook my head when the other objected. “Just a drop.” That was all I took, his nostrils flaring when I poked my fang into his skin and licked the one drop off my fang.

  It was quite the ride and two drops might have knocked me out, his blood was so powerful. I did want more but it was too much, I knew that.

  “Are you hard for me?” I panted, knowing my eyes were just as glazed over as his.

  “Yes. Are you wet for me?”

  “Oh yeah,” I moaned, seconds from getting naked and begging him for everything fun. “Anyone object?”

  I about thanked my lucky stars when they all agreed. I reached up and ran my fingers through his dark, gelled curls that always seem to hang wherever was sexiest. Cerdic had tight, unruly ones, but Petre had larger ones with their own attitude that knew they helped make him hotter.

  He was taller than me, six feet about, and filled in, but not too bulky. Muscular for sure. The coven referred to him as a Greek god in a jesting way, but I understood why. Especially after seeing him in only swim shorts when we went to the beach.

  He lowered his head slowly, giving me time to change my mind, but I didn’t, wanting to feel his lips against mine. It was gentle and sweet, but it wasn’t a quick kiss, longer than any first kiss I’d had and growing in intensity fast.

  “Sparks?” he breathed when he pulled away slightly. “What do you feel, Princess?”

  “That you will be mine,” I admitted. I’d felt the same with Branko and Moon, and while I’d hit the brakes on all of that, it was how I felt. Sisay was more friends, like Eddie—or to me, at least—and Tian didn’t like me.

  Vitor was maybe interested, but he scared the shit out of me in a way I didn’t think I’d get over or risk getting involved with. But Branko, Moon, and now Petre, I wanted as mine.

  I was a greedy bitch like that.

  I kissed him this time, nibbling on his lower lip. “Has anyone touched you since you’ve met me?”

  “No, I didn’t want to,” he admitted.

  “Good, make sure they don’t as I’m a jealous princess and one who doesn’t forgive or forget.” I waited until he nodded. “Your blood is so full of power and age. Why would you ever want such a clueless young brat who stumbles through it all?”

  “I see none of that when I look at you. I promise.” He kissed me before I could object, and I leaned into him, which he really liked. “I have the gift of alignment.”

  “Huh?” I blinked at him, missing the change and still confused when I caught up. “I have no idea what that means.”

  “It’s persuasion,” Kristof explained. “He can alter memories, align someone’s mind to the story or thoughts he wants. It’s called the gift of alignment. Why not use that for what all Safie wanted?”

  “Because she didn’t know,” he answered. “No one does. Vitor maybe, but I developed it centuries after I was tied to the house of Darbandi. It was my second power, I was so old.”

  “Okay, cool,” I murmured, still focused on Petre’s lips. “Not sure why you’re telling me, but my head is sort of on the kiss.”

  Cerdic moved up behind me and let his hands run all over me. “Does he have a colored tab in the book, love?” He chuckled when I elbowed him. “That’s a yes. You’ve thought about taking Petre to your bed?”

  “Please say he’s right,” Petre begged when I didn’t answer. He moaned when I nodded. “What color am I? Will you let me see?”

  “No, everything is slowing way down,” I reminded them. I shrugged when I felt the shock. “My dreams wander. Everyone’s got a submissive and more aggressive position. My mind likes both.”

  “I don’t have an aggressive one we’ve shared,” Kristof muttered as he leaned in and cupped my breast, chuckling when I gasped. “Are they sensitive, Inez? Will you bleed for us soon?”

  I nodded, rolling my neck and looking at him as Cerdic teased me too. “We both know you have some demons to work out, and it’s not a secret I like how strong you are and what you do to my body with that power and strength. I plan on having many, many centuries of you being mine to try out aggressive positions later.”

  He licked his lips as he studied me. “But you have one you’ve mentally reserved for me, don’t you?”


  “Save it for me,” he groaned.

  “If you’re good,” I teased, accepting his kiss. I whimpered when someone pinched my nipple. “They really are sensitive, be gentle.”

  “I’d rather be inside of you,” Cerdic growled, but eased up. “Do you want to explain why you did this now? Did she pass that she would never use you for your gift or accept you for that reason?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry, I had to be sure,” Petre worried.

  I nodded, not getting it, but leaning in so he kissed me. “I care that you’ll be patient with me as loving four men wear
s on my sanity most days, so I need slow. I’d never use or hurt you.”

  “I believe you, and I’ve seen how hesitant you’ve been, even if you reached certain levels with Branko and Moon.”

  I shook my head. “You’ve reached the level Moon has.”

  “No, Moon tasted you,” Cerdic reminded me.

  “Time out or we’re all going to end up in bed,” Jaxon cut in, his tone amused. “Why tell her this, Petre?”

  “Because he’s the answer on how to handle the humans or at least sort through them,” Darius answered. “We take groups at a time and see how they react to us, see if we like them, and then if they can handle that we’re not human as we’re going to be out in the coven and our territories. If they can’t handle it, back to Texas they go with their memories changed.”

  “Yes, that’s what I was thinking,” Petre admitted.

  “Sneaky. I like it.” I leaned in a bit more. “And you’ll like being inside of me, I promise. One day. If you’re very, very good.”

  “Shit, I forgot how aggressive you get before your period,” Cerdic moaned. “You tell him, love. Make him beg. Make us all beg.”

  “You’re already in trouble,” I reminded him, elbowing him in the stomach. “Someone come up with some ideas and a plan then.”

  “I have one already actually,” Cerdic promised as I slid away and headed back to the dining room. “Petre just improved on it, substantially.”

  “Well, let’s hear it,” I drawled. “Don’t keep the answers secret.”

  “I’m not,” he growled as he chased after me. He caught up to me easily and swung me around as we reached the dining hall again. “You didn’t receive your gifts yet and I don’t want to spoil one.” He set me down in front of Hanna, which wasn’t subtle.

  It amused her though. “Not only did we send an array of the finest sausages and brats you’ve ever dreamed of made with the meats you allowed us, I had a few people go with Matilda’s team to China. We procured some electric buses they used there.”

  “Oh, that is a good score. I didn’t see those when I was there,” I replied, beaming at her. “Thank you, that’s amazing.”

  “We like to be generous with our friends as well,” she said, dipping her head to me. “Breakfast is wonderful.”

  “It always is,” I sighed happily. Then, I finally put two and three together and used my head past my lust as I sat down at my food. “Okay, you want to use those buses to get people out of that settlement.” I bobbed my head as I cut into some strawberry passion fruit pancakes. “Say they all start somewhere that we call our quarantine zone so we’re not spreading infection.”

  “No one could have it,” Chris promised. “We’ve never had an outbreak in our camp.”

  “That’s impressive on its own,” I praised. Someone always got a bite or scratch and didn’t tell anyone, or they opened the doors instead of watching someone die and that was always someone infected. “They can’t infect us, but yeah, we believe you, it’s just a stall tactic to get a feel for them.”

  “To see if they could handle the truth,” Cerdic explained. “We’ve got the lie detector, a few of them even, and if they’re no good, we send them back with a few different memories someone will handle.” He coughed and nodded to Kristof like it would be him, giving Petre cover. “And I think it should not be who’s willing to fill what jobs, but recommendations only.”

  “You mean I’d tell you several of my guys, but to get more, they’d have to vouch for their friends?” Chris checked. “That’s a good way to get one whole bad group that could start trouble.”

  “Or weed them out fastest,” he countered. “But first, we start with the elderly and sick.” He held up his finger when several people went to push on that, glancing around to find someone. “Shawn, over here, mate.” He nodded when I gave him a questioning look. “I had some of the probationary coven members help me set up in Albuquerque, but Shawn Boyle and I spoke about him taking over the area.”

  I gave a wave to Shawn as I ate, knowing we were short on time. “Does that work for your clan?”

  “Yes, the climate is perfect for us, and I’d be more than willing to pair up with another clan knowing it’s more a suburb of the coven,” he said. “Cerdic approached me with a few ideas to maybe help these humans, but not risk all of us. We don’t have a company as a clan or a specialized skill set, so we’d like to be more well-rounded and help facilitate probationary or trial members for Team Inez.”

  “Along with work at the gelato factory,” Cerdic added. “One group of the clan owns a bakery. They’re going to make more than fillings for the gelato if we get them better equipment.” He pulled over a map of the city and tapped it. “There’re nine chain hotels that aren’t the fancy, fancy ones, but would work well as makeshift retirement homes. That’s where we start.”

  “Okay, and making buses,” I sighed. “We’ve got a lot to do in New Orleans too. I can’t get too run down as I’m going to be run down all weekend.”

  “Why? The wedding?” Chris asked, glancing between us like he was seconds from the top of his head popping off.

  “The tree in the middle of the coven grows mostly off my blood, and it works best to do it during my period,” I told him, shaking my head when he gave me a look that he was sure I was kidding. “I’m serious.” I moved my hands by my temples and made exploding noises as I flicked my fingers out. “Sounds about right, yeah?”

  “Yeah, but I’m willing to accept a lot since you have AC in August,” he chuckled nervously. He winked at Tyson when the lion poked him. “Oh, yeah, you too.” He cleared his throat. “So which area are you at?”

  I bit back a smile, realizing they’d had more fun in their reunion than the talking part. “That wasn’t a guest room you were in last night. That’s Tyson’s room. He lives here in the castle. Perks of being my knight.”

  “I woves you too,” Tyson chuckled, giving me a wink. “Yeah, I live here, babe. Think you can suffer through that?”

  We weren’t all that shocked when Chris threw his head back and burst out laughing. I was starting to really like the guy. Good, Tyson deserved to be happy.


  We arrived at the port just as a ship was docking, everyone with us excited to see how the plan had turned out. Well, except Chris. Chris looked like he was going to puke up his guts. Clearly, someone who moved slower had to bring the poor human.

  New Orleans was one of the last places I wanted to go back to after I was attacked there, but originally, we had headed to Louisiana to meet up with Lorenzo Payne, head of the Payne clan. They were armadillo shifters, but more importantly at the moment, a clan of experienced seafood fishers. Louisiana, to be specific, had lots of nummies from what I was told many times and had read.

  At first, we had gotten them someplace much safer and with the Gagnon clan up in Canada. But now that we were expanding the clan wanted to take over New Orleans and the ports. People wanted to claim more areas before we cleared out all the corrupted and settlements got ballsy after we did it all and we lost the chance. And they knew the Mendez clan who wanted the same.

  Adam Mendez was even pretty tight with Lorenzo, both their animals being from the same type of area. I liked him because he was not only laid back and always helpful, but he was a crocodile shifter—a predator—who was super cool with the prey shifters. To him, we were all simply not human, and even then, just people. It was my favorite type of attitude to have.

  But, they both knew how New Orleans was a sensitive topic for me and how much I really didn’t want to go back there. So, the plan was to show me live and in color it was worth it. I wasn’t sure what that had meant, but with the boats they had running and were offloading, it was clear they meant seafood.

  It made sense, given what they did. Some of the Mendez clan were into boat building and refurbishing, so it was sort of the perfect pairing and a great plan… If we all ignored the gobs of corrupted in the city we could all feel. Wow.

  They hadn’t wante
d to get them all cleared out until they got boats up and running, planned out a lot of everything from what I’d heard, and proven that I should give New Orleans a second chance.

  Their words. It was sweet, but some wounds couldn’t ever be healed and would still be sensitive.

  However, the amount of everything good coming off those boats might add a layer or two of bandages. I wasn’t sure but it was worth a shot.

  “I thought fishing sharks was bad?” I asked Jaxon under my breath.

  “Normally, but the population is at a crazy level and throws off the ecosystem. It’s also why there are a lot of alligators coming.” He winked at me. “I love alligator. It’s so damn good. Shark is good, too, nice grilled shark steaks are awesome. They weren’t always frowned-upon fishing and provided a lot of meat. I mean, I get it, I don’t want anything to go extinct, but they said there are too many.”

  I nodded. Predator species could explode in waters just like on land after all. I listened as they talked about what was in season, Lorenzo and Adam greeting us and filling us in. It wasn’t crawfish season, and while we weren’t keeping to those hunting “seasons” like people had to before, especially with culling, it was still needed for fishing; otherwise it would be a no babies for next year sort of thing.

  Yeah, no wiping anything out. But, crawfish was the only thing not in season, so on top of the sharks and alligators, we had shrimp, blue crab, oysters, and a few different types of fish. It was a score for sure.

  “Enough to feed all the guests and more for your events this weekend, yeah?” Lorenzo checked, giving me a hopeful look.

  I nodded. “If you guys want New Orleans and have a plan, I’m cool with it. You just might need to come visit me if you want to hang, not me here besides quick in and outs and for a while. Sorry, but I’ve got too much going on to push myself like that.”

  “We know,” Adam said gently, reaching over and squeezing my shoulder. “It’s why we picked hotels downtown near the ports and landings instead of in the French Quarter. You don’t ever have to go back there again, okay?”