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Extending Family (House of Garner Book 5) Page 19
Extending Family (House of Garner Book 5) Read online
Page 19
I wasn’t the only one whose mouth fell open. Holy crap, this kid had balls!
“How dare you speak to me that way, you animal,” she seethed. “I want to speak to this chef immediately to not only complain about your behavior and make sure you lose your job and place in this coven, but if there is input needed on menus, I will be giving it as well.”
The kid’s lips actually twitched as he cleared his throat to cover a cough. “I will pass along the message, Princess.” He dipped his head to our table and walked off.
“I got twenty Inez smacks the princess for calling one of us an animal,” a shifter said to his friend a few tables away. “She was clear she wanted to know if anyone looked down at us.”
The woman snorted. “I’m not taking that bet, though having him shift and bite the princess is more her style.”
“Yeah it is, and only letting her eat after all of us have eaten. Funny how she brushes off any crap people give her like people just showing up and disrespecting her, but if anyone is remotely mean to us, she will kick their ass.”
They walked off with their trays of dirty dishes, clearly not knowing we had heard them. Or so I thought, as the woman glanced at the princess as she walked by and actually smirked. Damn, they’d been warning the guests. Unreal.
“Alright, which of you has the gall to demand anything of me and lay into my people?” a wolf shifter, Nick, said as he entered the ballroom in a chef’s jacket. He dipped his head to our table and glanced around.
“You will watch your tone and attitude with me, wolf,” the princess seethed. “And you will—”
“Princess, finish that sentence and the next thing I do will be to knock on our princess’s door and tell her you called one of her coven an animal. She was very clear that wouldn’t be allowed, as the guests knew, so I don’t know if you were one of the plus dozens that came, but please handle yourself in a respectable manner going forward. Did that clear up whatever misunderstanding was had here?”
She pushed to her feet and before she could even finish, Tian was there moving Nick out of the way.
“Princess, the rules of our coven are clear, and Princess Inez does not allow any ill treatment of any member of her coven or those with us. I would hate for one of us of her security that gave her loyalty oaths, or her knights that have vast military weapons, to have to retaliate if you were to hurt one of her people.”
“Are you kidding?” Nick hissed. “She would have hurt me for that?”
“Nick, I’ve seen princesses rip out hearts or take heads for less,” Tian drawled. “It’s why we were very clear to let us handle any issues as people are not behaving as normal court guests because Inez is so young and establishing her own coven. They’re stupidly thinking they can walk all over her without realizing how powerful she is.”
“How powerful can one child princess be?” the princess snapped.
Tian gave her a withering look. “Powerful enough to take out Princess Safie of house Darbandi easily, and I would be dead if she had not revived me.”
She couldn’t hide her shock. “You are a legendary warrior of house Liu. There is no way that little girl hurt you.”
I seconded that but kept quiet.
“There were over a dozen witnesses to it and I underestimated her in my arrogance. I would advise people to not make the same mistake I did as she only revived me because Kristof asked her to as we are friends.” He sighed when she didn’t answer. “I’m sorry you weren’t already told that as those invited were the witnesses and others from their court already knew that.”
She smirked at Tian, her eyes full of rage at being called out like that. “One castle building does not make a coven or respectable house to worry over the normal niceties. When I heard princesses from all over the world were gathering again, I would of course join them as they received a lot from the last meeting.”
“Twist it however you want, Alicia, but our covens recognize her and her coven and have alliances with her. There are another eleven as well who would be very upset if you would do something foolish,” Hanna cut in.
“Not to mention the fourteen clans she has treaties with, the heads of the clans her knights,” Tian added. “Now, do we have a problem here, or were you going to agree to the rules of our coven, Princess?”
Hope, the sexy lynx shifter that was one of Inez’s knights, came over, reading off of a tablet. “Princess Nora, I apologize for interrupting, but Princess Inez asked if you would be her second and take charge of the crazy while she’s indisposed.”
Alicia snorted. “She accepts the oath and has fun while she bleeds. Can she not even handle that?”
Hope shot her a feral look which surprised me given the shifter was cool as a cucumber. “Princess, I would ask you not speak on what you do not know, and do not insult our princess again while a guest in her home.”
“Oh? And what don’t I know?” Alicia challenged, her eyes flashing shock when Hope ignored her and focused on Nora.
“Princess Inez thought it prudent to ask given the onslaught of extra guests,” Hope said to Nora. “Also, the two covens of Cerdic’s family will be behind the partition, so you will have access everywhere.” She pulled out several things from a bag and set them on the table. “We found a huge stockpile of jerky rubs, and I thought I should ask you which you prefer for the gift our princess is planning for you.”
“Gift?” Nora asked as she leaned in and picked one up. “Whatever for this time? Being her second is not a burden and a formality.”
Hope looked a bit fidgety. “Not when she does this. It’s very taxing to grow her tree ,and given the level of stress these parties have placed on her, she will need someone to be in charge. All of the nobles will be close to protect her, along with all of her knights.”
Nora’s eyes flashed shock. “She’s that vulnerable?”
Hope gave a swift nod. “She bleeds the whole time and pumps her power into the ground. It’s… There aren’t words for it, and I know she wanted to show her allies as none of you were able to see how your own trees grew, but yes, she is vulnerable when it happens.”
Nora nodded. “I accept such an honor as to be the second of Aether’s champion as she grows her tree and court.”
“Thank you, Princess Nora.”
“Of course, darling.” She shook one of the containers. “What are these rubs going on?”
“They need to cull a good deal more of the alligators,” she answered. “That makes delicious jerky I was told, but we found out there is a ridiculous amount of caribou in one of Canada’s providences near our outpost in Edmonton. I believe she is also preparing gifts of frozen trout from that area for all three of you who helped so much.”
“Were there a lot?” Mother asked.
Hope rolled her eyes. “Scott Curtis said a few of them went to check out the lakes in the area to see how they were and the damn fish were just jumping right in the boat there are so many. It’s even worse in Minnesota as there was a problem with the Asian carp in the Great Lakes before the corrupted and that hasn’t gotten better. Nick says it’s like a cheaper salmon, but salmon’s awesome, so yeah, fish those babies.”
“They’re like imitation crab compared to real crab,” Nick confirmed. “Delicious fried or in sushi, but my favorite is fish stews if you have a shrimp or lobster stock, and we will, I will make sure of it.”
Nora picked out two rubs and thanked Hope before going back to tasting, everyone basically ignoring Alicia, which threw fuel on the fire, but also made her less bold. She left with one last spiteful look at our table.
“All of these are delicious and wonderful fillers,” Nora told Nick. “Truly, this is much better than even my coven could throw together so fast, given the times. You are set, darling.”
“Good, thank you,” Nick sighed. “I was thinking of one tequila, rum, and vodka option each day. I think they’re working on moonshine ones now that someone brought over cases of the stuff, but we can split those
I excused myself while they started talking about the next round of boring party stuff. I grabbed a bottle of rum and headed outside to the pool. It was inviting, but more than that, I simply wanted fresh air. I hadn’t been as amused with that princess’s outburst as I had thought. No, I was jealous. Always, always jealous of my own fucking twin.
And he couldn’t give a shit about me. Granted, I had done that, but he’d been blinded by what he did as well. He wasn’t as innocent and blameless in all of what happened as he would like to believe. However, I couldn’t deny that I had been young and stupid. So stupid because it also cost me my freedom. I looked up at the tower I knew to be Inez’s and found myself hoping she was good to Cerdic.
I shook my head and walked off drinking. When the bottle was gone, I headed to Salt Lake and claimed a room, swallowing down wishes I could never have as I went to sleep.
The next morning, I was back at the castle before most, wondering what I was even doing there. Why was I staying for this? I wasn’t needed. I wasn’t wanted here, and I’d spent the first hundred years of my life like that. Did I really need to see Cerdic give his oath?
I wasn’t sure, but when I caught sight of the spread they were putting out for brunch, I was definitely staying for the food. I ate, and ate some more, but then Mother wanted a word with me, Sebastian speaking with Jaxon about something Nora was handling as well. I nodded and went with, willing to be nice to get more of the food as things had been pretty dire at the coven.
Instead of speaking about what she wanted, we walked into a situation with Father trying to force Inez into a corner and give him sexual favors for his support. I couldn’t even get my mouth to work, my brain reeling and shocked in a way I wasn’t sure I had ever been. My judgmental but always proper and dutiful Father had tried to seduce another princess.
Fuck me.
Of course, moments later, Inez started bleeding, and that meant it was time for the fun. We moved behind the partition. Well, they did, I was peeking to watch the show.
Cerdic knelt, and then Inez asked her two nobles if they agreed to the match. I’d never heard a princess doing that before, but she wasn’t the run of the mill princess.
“I, Cerdic, of house Wessex, do swear upon all I am as a man, noble, and child of Aether, and give myself fully and completely to my princess, Inez of house Garner. I will give my oath to no other as none are as worthy as she. May Aether strike me dead if I ever think to betray her, and grant me the courage and strength to always protect my princess so that she is able to lead and protect us all.
“By my word, my solemn vow, I pledge my body, heart, soul, and every drop of my life-giving blood as yours, My Princess, to do with as you need, as your needs are always first. I humbly beg that you find me worthy to be called yours, Princess.”
I held my breath, nervous for him for some reason. Then I gasped as she knelt.
“What now?” Mother demanded.
“She knelt in front of him,” I answered.
“I, Inez, of house Garner, give all of myself to you,” she said as she moved her cut hand towards him. In a flash, Cerdic had off his jacket, tie, vest, and shirt, knowing what was going on it seemed. She moved her bleeding hand to his chest over his heart. “I pledge to be your princess, and loyal to you, as you would be to me. I am yours, now and forever, as even death will not part us. I promise to be your wife, friend, mate, and partner.
“I will give this oath to none you do not approve of, as I could never betray my vow to be partners with you. Before Aether and all other gods, I swear to cherish you and never, not ever, take you, nor the gift of your oath, for granted, as I love you with all of me and wish to be yours forever.”
“She cannot be serious,” Olivia hissed. “That is not how it’s done.”
I shrugged. “She gave him her blood. She accepted.” I glanced at Mother. “What is that cut on her hand?”
“Cerdic said it’s how she grew her tree. She had to plant it with her blood, and like we all do, she adds blood to it, but he said she also bleeds on the ground and sends power into it.” She glanced at where they were, even if the partition was blocking them. “I’ll have to peek later. What is happening now?”
I glanced back at them and saw two of her knights carry out a small daybed without legs so it sat right on the grass. Cerdic got her out of her dress after he had undressed, shielding her from all the eyes as much as he could. I narrated for everyone as I watched, unable to look away from her beauty, jealous of my twin once again.
My lips twitched as Cerdic dove right into licking his princess who moaned in delight. “Cerdic is performing—”
“Yes, thank you, I know what’s happening now,” Mother drawled, Olivia snickering softly.
“She’s keeping her cut hand to the ground. That should have healed by now though.” But it didn’t. I said as much when I saw blood drip from the cut onto the grass when Inez lifted her hand slightly when she orgasmed.
“Does she think this is porn?” Olivia grumbled under her breath as she moved up next to me, staying behind the partition.
“I’m surprised she can enjoy it at all.”
“Oh please, she’s a complete attention whore. She might blush and act all innocent, but she’s got scores of men and more lining up—” She growled when Inez let out another cry. “I’m so tired of her innocent act. She’s just trying to get more attention. Poor Inez without memories was bullied into this or—”
“Father tried to force her to have sex,” I said under my breath.
She grabbed my arm roughly and turned me to face her. “Is that what the bitch is saying? Father would never—”
“No, I was explaining my comment. I saw it. So did Mother.” I nodded when she gave me a look she didn’t believe me when she let go. “I swear it to you, Olivia. Mother saw, so did Sebastian, so Nora will know too. He even injured her when she denied him.”
“Why would he do that? What does everyone see in her?” she seethed, focusing on that at first before grabbing me again. “What did she do? She could kill him for injuring her.”
“She tossed it to Mother to handle.” I chuckled when her mouth fell open. “Shocked the shit out of me too.” I smirked at her when she couldn’t seem to get her mouth to work. “Maybe it’s not an act after all and you should cut her some slack, huh?”
That didn’t happen. I might as well have thrown fuel on the fire. I listened to Olivia bitch about Inez and let out her jealousy as I watched my twin screw Inez’s brains out. And sometimes I got more food too. There were worse ways to spend a Saturday after all. I was just about to get some more food when I felt something I shouldn’t have, my head snapping around to look in that direction.
I didn’t even bother saying goodbye to anyone, taking off towards the feeling and internally cursing when I realized I was right, intercepting her before the castle. I knelt down, lowering my head. “My Princess, I felt you approach. I did not expect you.”
“You were longer than you said you would be,” Bahati replied, her voice taking that dangerous tone I’d once thought sexy and powerful.
Now I knew the truth.
Now I knew the real her.
When I was young and wounded, I saw the darkness in her and thought it echoed my own, much like Inez and her nobles, bonding because they shared it. I had thought Bahati was the same, both of us wounded from our families and not seen as we were. I had proposed an idea to get a bit of payback, but she had taken it so much further, enjoying it way more than I would ever have guessed.
Way more than I did.
And that was when I learned the truth. We weren’t bonding over pain and our darkness; she was darkness and enjoyed giving pain to everyone. Even me. I wasn’t protected from it, but walked right into real darkness and agreed to serve it forever.
And no one lied to the darkness and survived.
“I received a message from my baby sister that Cerdic was planning to give his oath to a princess. I wished to see it with
my own eyes. I should have communicated that with you, but there were a few hiccups. I am sorry.”
She chuckled softly. “So my Cerdic has found a new princess finally, huh? I thought he would never get over his love for me.” I swallowed a flinch at her calling him hers. “When will he give his oath?”
“It was done not hours ago,” I answered, feeling her anger, and for some insane reason, I felt an urge to protect Inez.
“They have power here,” she whispered, cutting into what else I might have said.
“Yes, My Princess. It was part of why I stayed. They have much most of us have lost.”
“Well done locating such a find, Ceawlin,” she purred. “I might forgive you for not telling me about Cerdic sooner. I’m hurt you did not think to tell your princess you went to tease your twin before he signed away his freedom.”
“I wasn’t sure I believed Olivia,” I admitted. “The picture she painted of the princess made it sound unlikely and this was more than a prank, but I found it to be her jealousy and much more.”
“Interesting, very interesting. Let’s go home then and you can tell me everything about this princess and her coven.” She was smiling evilly when I lifted my head. “I’ll need to know all of it if I’m to take her and her coven over to make what she has mine. And if she misbehaves, I might make your twin mine again too.”
I swallowed loudly, understanding she meant by killing Inez. I nodded as I stood, not surprised she rebuffed me when I tried to greet her. It amused her to rebuff us, but she would strike us if we didn’t attempt it. She was that twisted.
I glanced over my shoulder at the castle, worried I’d committed worse sins than I ever had by leading Bahati to Inez’s door. I shot a quick glance up and a silent prayer to Aether that her champion was as strong as I hoped because Bahati was ruthless, cold, calculating, and would cross lines most would never stomach.