Extending Family (House of Garner Book 5) Read online

Page 22

  “You are so beautiful,” Petre whispered as he teased my other nipple while I was still riding waves of my orgasm. It took me higher and then he ran his finger over my neck, the cut from my fang so it wouldn’t close up until I licked it.

  I orgasmed again when Cerdic bit me, Petre’s eyes filling with heat and longing. I moved both his hands to my breasts and squirmed against him when he massaged them. Cerdic was done with foreplay though, and thrust into me hard after spreading my legs wide.

  “Is this what my wife wants? What she needs?” he grunted as he thrust hard and deep but not fast. They were very controlled movements that he knew would drive me higher and higher.

  “What do you want to give your wife?” I teased.

  “Everything,” he snarled, his fangs out as well. “I will give my princess everything she ever wanted and all of me.”

  My heart soared, stupidly hoping he really would, even after he won me now. I kissed him, not caring that another man was fondling my breasts as I did.

  “Fuck your wife like you never did another woman because all of me and this pussy you love is yours,” I breathed in his ear, setting my normally Zen noble on fire. I loved when his aggressive side came out because it only happened with me.

  Sure enough, he fucked me with all he had, both of us making sounds that were more animalistic than human. And still, Petre teased me with his blood. He cut his other hand and moved it to my back, the gash flowing heavily before it healed and getting all over me.

  “Too much!” I bellowed as I came again, my whole world spinning out. The power roared in me and I let it out as Cerdic followed me over, sending so much energy into the ground, I couldn’t even imagine how far people could have felt the ground shaking from.

  When we were done, so was I, and I didn’t even get my dessert that round before I passed out.

  Cerdic took it easy on me after that, looking like he’d gotten a lecture or a few from whomever. I did get another massage and we got to lose most of the “performance” when the guests were too tanked to care or watch us. It worked out perfectly because James and Trisha didn’t want to draw attention to the five engineers of the apocalypse who were their baby brother and cousins.

  So I got to drink from them privately, along with a knight from Salt Lake City. Troy Horne, who was unmated, had gotten the seed, and Glenn Barr, who had a mate and child didn’t. Everyone seemed to be relieved, like it was a seed for the area, not one person or couple like the Gagnons.

  In other words, I wasn’t the only one who wanted a damn instruction manual.

  But at least I got to enjoy snuggling with Cerdic under my tree and feeling his contentment that I was his for good. Especially after he put on the matching wedding band. Maybe this could work and things get better.

  Please let this work and things get better.


  “James was right. She didn’t whimper or stir once the whole time I’ve been with her,” Cerdic said quietly.

  “It might not be a forever thing,” Darius muttered. “She needs stability and hasn’t had much of it.”

  “I wonder why,” Jaxon drawled.

  “Hey, apparently you weren’t winning any best husband awards either,” Darius grumbled. “So let’s not point fingers and do better.”

  “And let’s absolutely not discuss this when other ears are around,” Kristof cut in. “But yes, we need a better plan to take care of her when everyone leaves.”

  “That sounds a bit like you’re having to work on handling a kid that’s acting out,” I quietly bitched, remembering the ears as well. “I think most of you need time outs and I’m perfect.”

  “We agree on that, love,” Cerdic murmured as he nuzzled my neck. “Is it too early to get up yet? Kristof wants to give his oath now.”

  That woke me up fast. I blinked up at Kristof and couldn’t hide my shock. “I woke with the sun. Most everyone else won’t be up and watching until later.”

  “I know.” He cleared his throat when I stared at him like he was growing a second head. “I want my wife to be comfortable and our oaths are for us. Our first time is for us. I can be an exhibitionist anytime, or the rest of the time today, but this is too important and I want you as you, Inez.”

  I felt warm down to my toes as I nodded. “But Trisha and everyone were going to make me up.”

  “You are the most beautiful woman to me natural. Wear the dress I’ve been dying to see you in, but while it’s fun to get made up, I want my wife natural as who she is.”

  “Damn, you win as best husband,” Jaxon chuckled. “At least today.”

  Yeah, he did for the day. I agreed and went to get ready, but Darius moved in front of me, holding a large basket of passion fruits.

  “I thought flowers every day might lose their meaning. I thought I could help with the buffet and juicing, so I went with Moon and we picked many,” he explained. “I saved the best for my wife to have after the guests leave and she will need the vitamins to recover.”

  “Thanks.” I gave him the best smile I could without meeting his eyes and went to step around him.

  “I love you, Inez.” He let out a shaky breath when I didn’t answer, leaning in and kissing my hair. “I’ll figure out a way to make you believe me again.”

  Maybe it was the high from the fun with Cerdic or maybe the blood loss from feeding my tree, but for a minute I hoped he could too. I didn’t know what to say so I left. I had to go to the bathroom and wasn’t going to make it until my room, so I stopped at the bathroom by the ballroom. I was looking forward to the time out in the shower and collecting my thoughts, maybe having no thoughts.

  Instead, I got the scare of my life as I walked out of the fancy stalls the castle bathrooms had. Safie was there; I felt her energy pop against my skin like any other ghost. Her eyes filled with anger when she realized I could see her and she stormed towards me. Without even thinking about what I was doing, I focused on her and sped along her progression, dissipating her like I did all ghosts.

  Except she’d been dead for months.

  And she didn’t give me a seed like all the ghosts did.

  “Maybe the blood loss is hitting me more than I thought,” I muttered, staring at the spot she’d been. Yeah, it had to be that. Stress and blood loss and worry over what shit was going to happen next. It had to be that.


  Jaxon showered with me and didn’t try for sex, but instead used the opportunity to fill me in on some problems. I mentally sighed. I couldn’t ever win. I was the jerk if I don’t allow the party crashers, but by allowing them I was weak and a doormat. It was like being a mouse in a maze that I couldn’t do anything unless I went through.

  And I was the type of person to walk around the maze and just punch the problem out. I thought that a great way to handle shit going forward. I was pretty sure I was pushing my nobles to my way of thinking, everything always biting us in the ass when we did what was “expected” of us.

  Jaxon didn’t hide his reaction well to my orders about how I wanted to handle everything. But he didn’t argue, probably seeing the need for it. Good, I was tired of moving to everyone’s pace. I was young, not a helpless infant that couldn’t fight back.

  I shook my hair out after I toweled dried it and then combed it wet before putting on the sleeveless blood red halter dress that had no back on. The skirts were ruffled and pretty, reaching the floor, and after a moment of thought, I ended up not putting on the heels and going barefoot. Kristof and I were almost the same height and I liked that. I wanted to stand with him, not above him in heels for such an important moment.

  His eyes filled with heat as he saw me. I felt my cheeks flush as I moved over to him. He was ready for this, no more foreplay or dancing around for sure.

  That was pretty obvious by the towel wrapped around his waist and nothing else. Plus, he was already kneeling.

  “Any objections?” I asked Darius, Jaxon, and Cerdic.

  “None,” they said firmly.

; I nodded, smiling at Kristof that I was ready.

  He let out a shaky breath. “I, Kristof, of house Priest, do swear upon all I am as a man, noble, and child of Aether, and give myself fully and completely to my princess, Inez of house Garner. I will give my oath to no other as none are as worthy as she. May Aether strike me dead if I ever think to betray her, and grant me the courage and strength to always protect my princess so that she is able to lead and protect us all.

  “By my word, my solemn vow, I pledge my body, heart, soul, and every drop of my life-giving blood as yours, My Princess, to do with as you need, as your needs are always first. I humbly beg that you find me worthy to be called yours, Princess.”

  I rubbed my hand over my chest, his words hitting me hard as he said them with so much emotion. I moved the dress aside and knelt too.

  “I, Inez, of house Garner, give all of myself to you,” I whispered as I moved my bleeding hand to his chest. “I pledge to be your princess and loyal to you as you would be to me. I am yours, now and forever, as even death will not part us. I promise to be your wife, friend, mate, and partner.

  “I will give this oath to none you do not approve of, as I could never betray my vow to be partners with you. Before Aether and all other gods, I swear to cherish you and never, not ever, take you, nor the gift of your oath, for granted, as I love you with all of me and wish to be yours forever.”

  He kissed me like he would die if he didn’t, and I kissed him back because I needed him just as badly. My fangs came out as he ran his hands over my naked back. He had me out of the dress before I could blink and tossed it to Cerdic to hold. He laid me on the cushions and pinned my wrists above my head so my cut hand touched the ground.

  “I have dreamt of this moment since first touching you, even if I couldn’t admit it to myself. Stay like this and let me have what I’ve dreamt of?”

  I nodded, willing to give him just about anything after hearing he’d been dreaming about it for so many months.

  He spread my legs wide and feasted on me, bringing me again and again with his fingers, tongue, lips, teeth, and all of him. When he couldn’t hold out anymore, he moved over me and thrust in me deeply, his fangs coming out as I moaned in pleasure. It wasn’t just that I was ready too, but that weird thing happened again where they could take away my cramps… With their dicks?

  So weird.

  He pinned my wrists down again as he moved his hips. I knew what he wanted and offered him my throat, shivering at the snarl that came from him. He accepted, taking only a small drink, but the feeling of his fangs in me as he made love to me was enough to set me off again.

  But he wasn’t remotely done with me. I gasped when I felt his blood dripping all over my body, looking down to see he’d sliced himself from throat to lower stomach. Not enough to really hurt himself, or like organs to come out, but enough that I was covered in his blood.

  “All of me is yours,” he explained. “If you thirst, I would gladly die to give you what you need and—”

  “Don’t say that,” I choked out, pulling at my wrists. “Don’t say that ever again! I want you alive. I would die if you do. Don’t say you’ll die to give me blood or any of that. You’re just as important as I am. I could never hurt any of you. I don’t want that.”

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered against my lips. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said something so thoughtless when you’re so pure. It’s what nobles used to say when consummating their oaths. It’s a normal pledge.”

  “It’s stupid,” I moaned as he moved faster. “Pledge you won’t ever let me get that thirsty where you have to die to feed me. That’s being a better husband. Promise to protect me if you want, but promise to also snuggle with me in bed. I want your love, Kristof, not power over your death.”

  He didn’t have anything to say to that, moving faster until I came with a scream, my body on fire again from his blood. I begged him for more, and next he had me flipped over so I was lying on my stomach. He moved above me, growling when I pushed up my ass for more. He stopped holding back then, taking me hard and hitting everything in me that felt fantastic.

  When he finished inside of me, he finished. His whole body shook with the force of it, the noises coming from his mouth almost feral, and my joints ached from how hard those last thrusts filling me with his seed were.

  “You really accepted me,” he rasped against my neck, his words coming out in pants from exertion as I was gasping for air too. “I never thought you would really do it. I believed you would realize I was a monster and change your mind.”

  “We’re all a bit of monsters, Kristof,” I murmured as my eyes felt heavy. “We all have that darkness in us. The trick is to not have more dark than light. You may still have more darkness, but you’re still letting in more light. That’s why I couldn’t deny you. That’s why I fell in love with you. You can still let in the light.”

  I fell asleep before I heard his response. I wasn’t down long, the power waking me as he was cleaning me up. I let it out in the ground, giggling as it was probably the weirdest alarm anyone had ever woken to. I explained to the others and they were amused as well.

  Kristof brought over a white lace nightgown that had long sleeves and pooled at my feet… And was see-through. It was more like a robe or old time dressing gown as it tied at my stomach. I saw how much in his eyes he wanted me to wear it and I nodded, letting him put it on me.

  “You will wear that tux for me when we have some dinner dates,” I whispered in his ear. “Apparently, I have to be more demanding with my husbands as if it’s left to them, they neglect me.”

  “I love when you boss us around but I would never neglect my wife,” he promised, smiling brightly. “My wife. I have a wife.” He picked me up around the waist and spun me in the air, watching how fast so I didn’t get sick. “What does my beautiful wife want today?”

  “Anything I want?” I teased him.

  “Always,” he promised against my lips, hugging me to him. “I will give my wife what she wants always.”

  I leaned in and pressed my lips to his ear. “Then I want to be very, very bad so you’ll spank me later and punish me harshly. I want a whole day of play after I recover and for my husband to give me what I need, no matter how naughty.”

  “What else?” he groaned. “How will you be bad, Inez?”

  “Jaxon will tell you. I can’t be quiet enough for people not to hear.” I ran my tongue around his ear. “But, I do want to hear all the ways my sexy husband is talented now that he’s mine. I only know a few, and I believe you told me you had many gifts besides the list of sexual ones.”

  “Let me go get us breakfast then. You rest, my love.”

  “Trisha has the rings for you to find the right fit,” I told him, smiling when he shivered. “Oh, and I brought something for you to wear as well.”

  He accepted the bag from Jaxon and gave me a look like he thought I was messing with him. “You’re kidding right?”

  “Nope,” I chirped, popping the P loudly. I shrugged when he looked like he might not do it. “I think it’s sexy that you’ll do stuff for me no one else could ever get you to wear. Besides, I love how beautiful you are too, and seeing your softer side gets me hot.”

  It was true. Maybe it was a weird kink, but it turned me on when he let me see that side of him that only he would let out for me.

  He chuckled, knowing he was bested, and put on the pajama bottoms.

  The pink bottoms with red, white, and purple hearts all over them. And they were fuzzy. He looked ridiculously sexy in them, his tan skin and the contrast of the hard muscles and serious gaze always with fuzzy jammy pants.

  He was not five feet into the castle from the courtyard when I heard several people burst out laughing. He growled something at them and they shut up fast. Yeah, I thought the contrast was hot and that he would do it for me, even hotter.

  I dozed a bit, but beamed at him when he came back with food, still wearing them, even though I felt more people aroun
d. I ignored the food, pulled down the front of them, and lowered myself onto him, much to his surprise.

  “All of you is mine,” I hissed, my turn to be aggressive apparently. I rode him, everything out of my mouth possessive and over the top. I bit him hard and drank intensely, shivering when he finished deep inside of me.

  But I kept going much to his delight again.

  “You are mine forever now, and if I so much as see you look at women in a way I don’t like, I will lock you up on my tower and beat you for the rest of your days,” I warned him. “You have eyes only for me. You want only me. I own you now, Kristof Priest.”

  “Yes, yes, you do, my love,” he moaned, moving his hands to my breasts and massaging them as I moved. “I only want you, Inez. Own me. Own every inch of me.”

  I struck again, taking only a sip; otherwise, his blood would completely overwhelm me. I came with a cry of his name when he slid his finger in my ass, coated with his blood. Both of us wanted to explore anal sex badly, and I had thought I would once I took husbands, but so much had spun out and gone off the rails that I still hadn’t.

  Then again, there was no rush and the anticipation was sort of fun. We had lots to still play with and explore before we got there if I wanted.

  He had finished with that second bite and I let out the power while still on him, smirking as he moaned at how it felt to be inside of me while I did. I snuggled up on his chest, not wanting him to leave my body, a bit shocked we’d made it here as well. I would never tell him that—as I’d said enough while drunk—but I had fully believed he would realize he didn’t love or want me as he’d thought and bail.

  I just prayed he didn’t want to later as we were bonded forever now. It was really stupid to do it so damn fast.

  He woke me to eat after a small cat nap, but let me sleep after I stuffed my face. We made a show of drinking a few more of my knights, but any more and I might have felt bloated. Another nap before waking for more blood, fun, and another seed. I had to use the bathroom by then, and after I got the signal everything was in place, decided to have lunch out at the pool.